New Year New You!
As we head into 2016 you may be looking at alternative ways to ease the stresses of working, and living, in our modern hectic 24/7 lifestyle. As you take on more and more, you can sometimes find that we struggle to cope, and so, stress becomes that unseen burden that can lead you to become anxious, sleepless and prone to anger or even overeating. “Solution Focused Clinical Hypnotherapy is a fantastic way to help to empty ourselves of stress and to be more at peace with the world around us,” say’s fully qualified, registered and insured practitioner Christine Beardwood. “We work with a client to help them move forward in their lives to greater achievements in a relaxed, calm and confident way.”
How to quit smoking for a healthier you
Hypnotherapy has the reputation for being the best way to quit smoking available, this is acknowledged by the British Medical Association. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help someone who is determined to quit smoking for good. Even a small habit of smoking a few cigarettes a day can have a big effect on both finances and health. Smoking really is a dying habit and The Beardwood Practice’s one off session, which lasts a couple of hours, can really cement permanent change, the client can leave The Beardwood Practice and simply not smoke again.