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Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all.  Meaning that they don’t seek the treatment needed to lower their risk of cardiovascular problems and ill health.
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy - Face to face sessions in my Practice or online - Zoom hypnotherapy  OPEN during COVID-19

Call 0780 9690 964 or email Christine to book a FREE initial consultation today



Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all. According to the scientists at the International Society for Hypertension, globally only half of those with hypertension are aware they have high blood pressure and  the other half are going about their daily life happily unaware.

High blood pressure is the number one contributing factor for global death, associated in strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular complications in around 10 million deaths worldwide. Our blood pressure increases as we age as the vessels become less elastic and stretchy, so there’s more resistance.

There’s two kinds Hypertension, one caused by lifestyle, the other is caused by physical problems, often caused by a problem within the brain which controls blood pressure, or in the kidneys. Hypertension caused by physical problems cannot be helped by hypnotherapy, so please make sure you know which type you have before progressing with therapy, as medication is the only treatment for this type.

What causes hypertension?

Many things can cause a rise in blood pressure which are out of our control such as age, ethnicity, gender, genetics to studies with twins have shown that up to 40% of the variability in our blood pressure is dictated by genetic factors. 

Such things which are in our control are salt intake, alcohol intake, caffeinated drinks (especially energy drinks), low levels of physical activity, obesity, smoking and diabetes.  Smoking and diabetes don’t cause hypertension directly, but they cause damage to the small blood vessels in the body’s extremities can increase the resistance to blood flowing around the body, raising the diastolic part of the blood pressure measurement.

No wonder your blood pressure is high!

The state of our mental health also contributes to hypertension, raised levels of stress hormones in our daily life, and using unhealthy coping mechanisms such as unhealthy food, drink and drugs all add to hypertension.

Hypnotherapy & hypertension

Solution focused hypnotherapy can help over 90% of people diagnosed with hypertension to get it under control and even significantly reduce it.  You will reduce the impact of stress on the body and mind by freeing you from highly stressful states termed the “fight or flight” state.   When we allow stress to affect our life it results in blood pressure rising, heart rate increasing, and stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released into the body. 

Hypnotherapy can help you to manage your blood pressure.

Hypnosis is completely natural, safe & relaxing.  You will remain conscious and in complete control during the treatment.

Call 0780 9690 964 or email Christine to book a FREE initial consultation today  OPEN during COVID-19

All client data is kept strictly confidential.

Hypnotherapy individual sessions £85.00, including MP3. (Block bookings of 6 sessions £425.00, a saving of £85.00).
Payment is required before a session begins and payment for block bookings is required before the first session begins.
We offer a free initial consultation before any treatment begins at the Bourne Practice.


If you would like to book an appointment or find out more about Hypertension contact Christine on: 0780 9690 964 or email.

Face to face sessions in my Practice or online - Zoom hypnotherapy



Member of NCH Member of AfSFH Registered member of CNHC Member of NBFMP

"Calmness is the home of power."